Monday, October 4, 2010

What is Design?


          What is Design? What kind of question is that? How does one ponder such a basic word that is used in almost every aspect of our lives? Yet, design is so simple it is complex. Design is complex simplicity. Such intangibility must be felt with the senses. Design is like Love, it must be felt with the heart and carry a burning desire for one; One person, one idea, one concept, one inspiration.  As cliché as love might be, design is also everywhere. From the structure of a traffic light, to the window display of a store front, to a restaurant dessert tray, to a T.V. show, to a flock of birds, design is a piece of it all.  It is an experience, a skill, a passion for many.
            Emotions are effected by design. In order to understand the world, and learn new things, pleasurable aesthetics of any object induce emotion.  Which in turn inspires design. When I ponder a problem, it is obvious to search for the fastest solution. Design is the process of finding the best solution or answer. The ambiguity of this process is intentional and complex. How tremendous are the possibilities within the realm of creation and innovation.
            When pondering this question, it is important to note one huge aspect about design. It is vital to notice not only what design is, but more importantly what it isn’t. I have discussed what I believe design is, but the real truth lies in what it can’t do. Design is a language all its own and can support a thought or idea. But design can only exist when someone believes in the vision. Design comes in at the end of any answer or process. It is that last lit candle at the end of the tunnel. Design is the aftermath of a tornado. Yet, design could just be planted in the mind, an inception of truth, after all. 

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