Saturday, October 16, 2010

Design As A Conversation


      Taking all forms of life into going green is the newest revolutionary idea on many peoples' minds'. This huge topic is sweeping the nation in not just areas of recycling trash and waste. In Davis, sustainable designs are a huge part of the campus community. From coffee cups, to takeout trays, to purses, and solar powered energy buildings, creators of all types are trying to take their designs in using media that is eco-friendly. If “design” has its own language, then design holds its own conversations as well. And here, one of the biggest design conversations are that of using sustainable medium, regardless of whether its fashion, architectural, visual/adverstising, etc. And while designing with these constraints must comply with such principles of economic, social, and ecological sustainability, so comes the ethics for the designers. 
     So the conversation about designing with sustainability for the environment affects every type of designer. The city planners, architects, landscapers and garden design, graphic design, agriculture, furniture and machinery, engineers, fashion and home accessories, technology and electronics, and art. Design is everywhere and it is up to the designers that contribute to all of the above, which effects every portion of our everyday lives to solve the problems within design. Specifically, for the environment makes an interesting issue at hand. Designing with these constraints makes the materials used for creation very limited. Yet, it can also inspire how recycling can be transformed into new. The great designs of the past have been resurrected by newer designers and innovators, so the green movement can do it too. Creating innovative designs and using these materials will allow us to achieve our vision of a sustainable future.
    In the aspect for architectural design, The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Seattle Committee on the Environment hosted a public presentation of the top eleven projects in the running for the 2010 What Makes it GREEN? Top Ten Regional Green Awards. What exactly "environmentally sustainable architecture" and "inspired design" mean, or should, or could mean, triggered a lot of conversation between the jury and design teams.  One discussion it stimulated, was for The Seattle Center Garage by NBBJ Architects begged the question: "How can a parking garage be green?” While these problems in sustainable design are desperate for solutions, it inspires innovative thought. It connects designers of the past and future to come up with a greener tomorrow and as a result, these constraints for the designing process spark new artistic aesthetic and the boundaries of imagination are further challenged.  
     “ The perfection of an object is finally reached not when there is nothing any more to add but when there is more nothing to remove”. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

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