Saturday, October 16, 2010

Comparison and Contrast

What Time is It?

The most important part of my mornings are waking up and starting them off right with a strong and smooth cup of Jo. Java, Expresso, Americano, Cappucino, light blend, bold, ...its really all about the little things in life. The "mirco" pieces that design my days. 
      Ever since I was a little girl, I would steal my Mom's cup of coffee not because I felt like a rebel, but because I sincerely enjoyed the taste. So it is no suprise that I quickly became a coffee-holic at an early age. During highschool, every morning I would go down the street to Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, my favorite and ultimately the best coffee chain I know. Coffee Bean got me through my teen years, through all the SAT's, and late night homeworks, through my dance competitions and sporting events. So it should come as no suprise that when I entered College and moved up to UC Davis from Southern caliornia and witnessed that Coffee bean doesn't exist in the north, I was completely devestated. Would I have to resort to Starbucks? With all the college exams, ofcourse I would have to... So I am confident to say, I have experienced both coffee bean and starbucks and there is clearly a huge difference in both chain coffee shops.
My Dearest Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. (How I miss you dearly) To start off, look at Coffee Bean's logo. In such an environmentally aware society, Coffee Bean sure does the job at giving off that vibe. C.B. is organic and captures the essence of nature. More specifically in C.B.'s drinks contrast quite different as well. Their coffee itself, is far superior to Starbucks for several reasons. Their coffee is made of a more pure, delicous bean and they do not over roast their beans. They also have more sugar free varieties, and use powder instead of syrups. Their cups are always hot as well. In every C.B. store, the menus have artistic affirmations of the day and such creatively written quotes. Their use of combining art with customer's coffee experience is quite extraordinary and innovative if you ask me. Design isn't just items on a menu, the type of coffee maker used, or the product logos, design is also an experience. So realize that Coffee Bean is redesigning the future and is going to put "leafs" all over the map and demolish those "bucks". 

     Now Starbucks. The big bucks. They are everywhere. And why is it that the group thats known for quantity over quality is sweeping the nation worldwide, in airports, and now located in Target's? Starbucks is so overly common, but Coffee Bean isnt? What do they have that makes them shine?
Is it their over roasted beans, or their always luke warm cups of coffee. Or how about their use of syrup and articifical liquid sugar. Is it their impersonal customer service? Maybe their sexualized logo? Starbucks may be a household name, but it is their lack of originality that should make you think twice. Yes both Coffee Bean and Starbucks are both coffee shops that ironically both have circle logos, but it is their coffee, marketing, and image that are entirely different. Coffee is a beautiful man-made process that takes time. And with such a "going green"mindset and organic products, shouldn't your coffee be too?


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